Monday, December 20, 2010

What Heathers and Videodrome have taught us about psychos

Remember when you got your ears pierced by your friend at a sleepover, and after the initial fear and pain was over, there she was, leaning over you, and you felt strangely aroused? Then you grow up to wear seductive red dresses, watch porn on your first date, and before you know it, you're in Pittsburgh getting strangled on snuff TV. That is why moral education is so important as a child. We really don't need any more psychos in the world.

James Wood in Videodrome reminds us of that boy in school who kind of looked like a pedo in the year five class photo, bragged about his hentai collection and now comments incessantly on every photo you put up on Facebook. He's probably the kind of sleazy dickhead that ends up working in the porn industry. And from there, it's one small step into the world of snuff films. Then when you start hallucinating that a massive gash (in every sense of the word) opens up in your stomach, you probably deserve it.

But then, maybe we should just blame the media for producing porn lovin' psychos. Brain-tumor inducing transmission waves or not, you can't help being exposed to the occasional flash of hardcore porn when you're channel surfing at two in the morning. That kind of shit can plant a seed of perversion in a child that blooms into a hideous sexual harassment flower in adulthood. Why was channel 22 Nickelodeon during the day and Playboy at night? Is that really a sound combination?

Moving on to a psycho-analysis (lol!) of Christian Slater in Heathers. He's much more acceptable as a teenage crush and when he whips out his gun (unfortunately, not in every sense of the word) in the cafeteria the average teenage girl is like, Whoop whoop! Team JD!

Plus, he goes around killing the popular kids. Note that there is a massive discrepancy between popular and cool. The Heathers and Jocks are popular, but JD and Winona Ryder are cool. And the other kids, the stoners, the humanitarian activists, the geeks etc are all too two-dimensional to fit into any meaningful category but let's put that aside for a moment. When the first Heather is killed the average teenage girl is still like, Whoop whoop! Team JD! Sadly, it all goes downhill from there. His ugly-pretty looks kind of wear off and you realize he's just another boy, whose mom got blown up when he was a kid. At least she waved.

Heathers is a bit of a fucked up film anyways. Sure, the sarcastic overtone is as thick as Shannon Doherty's makeup, and at the end of the day it's a melodramatic American high school drama, but it still seems to promote jihadism. Getting killed makes you a martyr, and if Christian Slater can blow himself up then why can't you? And also, Winona Ryder gets away with assisting the murder of three teenagers. Is that really the right message to send out to angst-ridden American high school kids who know where their parents keep their rifles?

Less psychos, more healthy, normal attractive people. Well, not too normal or we'd probably never get laid.